The President presides over the Board and it shall be the duty of the President to act in accordance with parliamentary procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the governing documents.
It is the responsibility of the President to ensure the daily business functions of the corporation are completed, and that the corporation acts within the bounds of applicable law. The President has the duty to enforce the observance of the Governing Documents of this corporation and resolves all points of order.
The Vice President assists the President in the discharging of the President’s duties at the direction of the President.
The Vice President is responsible for the oversight of all committees of the corporation including the Executive Committee and shall therefore be an ex-officio member of all committees of the corporation.
The Secretary is responsible for recording the attendance and proceedings of all Corporation and Board of Directors Meetings. At these meetings the Secretary is to determine if there is quorum and record in minutes that quorum is present and the members in attendance. The Secretary shall affirm all approved minutes of previous meetings and ensure they are signed by the President and him/herself with the affixed seal of the corporation in order to publish them to the Membership.
The Secretary is responsible for proper notice of regular, special, and annual meetings of the corporation and the Board, and addresses the issue of waiver of notice. The Secretary is to handle the incoming and outgoing correspondence of the corporation; this includes management of the corporation website.
The Secretary is also responsible for receiving applications and bringing any concerns of the membership to the Board of Directors. The Secretary is to maintain a list of all members, their addresses, their membership class and status, and their eligibility to vote. The Secretary is also responsible for providing evidence of membership.
The Treasurer is responsible for collecting and receiving all monies due to the corporation. He is also responsible to pay all bills against the corporations bank check and to keep correct account of all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall immediately deposit all monies received belonging to the corporation in a bank or banks at the designation of the Board of Directors. He/she will also manage and keep records on all accounts as directed by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer will make available at every meeting of the corporation, with exceptions to special meetings, a report on status of all accounts to date and all transactions from the prior month.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall keep guard at the door, enforce order in cooperation with the President and Chair of the meeting and prevent entrance to any meeting of anyone not entitled to enter.
The Sergeant-at-Arms will secure the meeting place of all Corporation Meetings and promptly inform the Secretary of arrangements.
The State Delegate shall act as the liaison between the Elizabeth F.M.B.A. Local 9, Inc. and the State F.M.B.A. He/she will be responsible for all correspondence between each with cooperation from the Secretary. The State Delegate will attend all state meetings and conventions and give a detailed report to the Membership. The report shall include but not limited to: pending and enacted legislation, changes in the state health benefits plan; and PFRS.
If possible, the State Delegate will seek the opinion of the Membership, at a Corporation Meeting or through the corporation website with cooperation from the Secretary, regarding upcoming votes held by the State F.M.B.A.
The Executive Committee Chair will preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee Chair will be selected from the members of the Executive Committee to represent the interests of the Company Representatives to the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee Secretary is responsible for recording the attendance and proceedings of all Executive Committee Meetings. At these meetings the Executive Committee Secretary is to determine if there is quorum and record in minutes that quorum is present and the members in attendance.